Estate Developers Limited S Initial Public Offering to open on Monday December 18, 2023, sets price band at Rs 340 to Rs 300 per Equity Share umbai-based realtor Suraj Estate Developers Linuted has developed real estate across the residential and commercial sectors in South Central Mumbai region. and has residential portfolio located in the markets of Mahim. Matunga, Dadar. Prabhadey1 and Parel has fixed the pmice band at Rs 340 to Rs 360 per Equsty Share for 1ts maiden iwnitial pubhc offer The Imitial Public Offermg ( TPO " or "Offer ) of the Company will open on Monday. December 18. 2023. for subscniption and close on Wednesday. December 20. 2023 Investors can bid for a nunmmum of 41 Equity Shares and mn multiples of 41 Equity Shares thereafter. The Pubhc Issue of face value of Rs 5 per Equity Share 15 entirelv a fresh is suance of Equty Shares worth Rs 4000 millon with no Offer for Sale (OF 5) component. Rajan Meenathakon1l Thomas. Suraj Estate SRS SURAJ ESTATE DEVELOPERS LIMITED Developers focuses prunany on value luxury. luxury segments and commercial segment in South Central Mumbai region and now venturing into residenntal real estate development m Band sub-market. We speciahse tm Continueon......23 SURAJ ESTATE CONTD FROM PAGE 22 the redevelopment of tenanted properties. With a longstanding presence of over thirty-six years in the real estate market. itt has completed forty-two (42) proyects wrth a developed area of more than 1.046.543 20 square feet in the SouthCentral Mumbai region. In addition to the Completed Projects. itt has thirteen (13) Ongoing Projects with a developable area of 20.34.434.40 square feet and saleable carpet area 6.09.928 square feet and sixteen (16) Upcoming Projects with an estimated carpet area of 7.44.149 square fect. The Company caters to the discerming chentele across the "value Juxury" and "luxury" segments. offering a diverse range of properties pnced from Rs 10.00 million to Rs 130.00 million It has constructed and sold buult-tosust corporate headquarters to institutonal chents. which includes Saraswat Cooperative Bank Limited (Prabhadevi) and Cleanng Corporation of India Linuted (Dadar). To cater to the increasing need for independent office buildings in the commercial segment. tt is currently proposing a 16 storey commercial building situated in Tulsi Pspe Road, Mahim